
Of Jared Fogle? Why?

Wouldn't the transitive property say that this then reminds you of awesome?

Dickens is hit or miss for me. But god damn if the first half of Great Expectations isn't the only book that's ever elicited vocal outbursts from me. Mostly laughter and some disgust (Estrella is such a bitch!)

Even more specifically for Oliver:

Welch's could just rename it Snack Fruits? Once Mr. Lolo and I ordered green beans with chicken at a Chinese restaurant. When we complained that there were only two pieces of chicken in the dish, we were informed that we should have ordered chicken with green beans.

I read the internets for online tests and for listicles.

You imply that there's something wrong with only seeing one A every couple of years?

>A Perfect World was his last great film.

My sentiments exactly! I presume I need a little Irish in me to (ahem) penetrate Joyce. I wonder if the Irish feel the converse.

I could just upvote this, or I could gush… "Brit, like Britney?" is probably the best line from the entire show. That entire scene is gold…
"People who hold signs go on to hold… many things"
"New Zealand! They have vikings there, right?" "Uhhhh <pause> yeah"

Sue me already, Punch Drunk Love is my most loved PTA movie.

Be more constructive with your feedback, please.

"…a sentiment which will surely be widely shared by the many people who finally have some equal protection under the law today"
Quite nicely done! McCown you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

as someone who drives a Gran Torino, I once asked some hoodlums to get off my lawn.

"Marry me!" -Maebe Funke

Leave it to Dowd to stirrup a little controversy.

#whiteactorplight. I’ll post that, along with my 8-by-10 inch…

Things to do in the west when you're hateful something something

All people occassionally shed tears.

My favorite part of Julia is John's delivery of the opening line - it's unclear to me if he's saying "meaningless" or "meaning less". Which doesn't change the context of the following lines, but nevertheless strikes me as a beautiful ambiguity.