Dirtbike Milksteaks

Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Bicycle Thieves
The Third Man (again!)
Mean Streets
Fear of a Black Hat

It's like, I already have a digital subscription to Tiger Beat, I don't need the AV Club to be a hollow imitation.

One's all you need!

Cock push-ups?

That's why I search for weird stumps and extra digits and stuff most folks ain't got.

I think that's called Long Islandism.

I don't know what they have planned for tonight, but count me out.

Please, consider both sides.

We might need to discuss the hyphen.

I'm kinda burned out on origin stories, but I'm glad we finally get to see how the sacred deer became a Chinese bookie.

I got some weird ideas in my head
About things to do in Denmark when you're dead

He makes me want to buy some Maxell cassettes.

Too black.

Yeah but he still looks like a Frankenstein had a baby with a mummy.


It that even a song?

Poot wheebler.

I honestly don't believe it matters how far in advance the Nazi got the idea to copy ISIS and drive his car into people. I honestly don't care whether he kept his hands at 10 and 2 while he did so. The point is he did it.

Yes, I'm saying the guy intentionally did this to further the Nazi cause. Also, it's not customary to defer to the murderer's version of events.