
The same year as Happy Days, Hanks played a very uptight (future) Rev Jim's college roommate.  He set a bad example with drugs that Jim didn't want to follow until he was talked into it (the same as pre-marital sex) by his girlfriend.  The rest is history - actually a blur.

Is there a pie scene?

I was stunned to be reminded that Melanie Lynskey, now best known for Two and A Half Men, co-starred in Heavenly Creatures with the more successful Kate Winslet.

It's just the continuation of quoting people who would say anything to be cited.  More and more movies have lavish praise from people who names or websites are in tiny, tiny print.

As I, personally, am more a Cyril than an Archer - I say GO FOR IT, CYRIL!  You, as a proxy for all of us, deserve to bang Lana.

I hope, I pray, more than I have every hoped or prayed for anything that tomorrow, Tyson walks into the planetarium and tells everyone "From now on you will all refer to me as "Neil deGrasse Tyson-san".

The first episode will be them removing the bandages on her re-constructed face (and vocal chords) after the horrific accident that will be shown in a flashback with her character only seen from behind.

Well, his character is Tea & Sympathy wasn't gay, just shy.

Yeah, why is a medium that is so good at coming up with movies based on crimes when the accused is still on trial so far behind the curve on trends like conspiracies?

If they are not dangerous, then why do we spend so much time at work watching them?

There must be an amazingly long list (probably on Cracked.com or tvtropes.org) of shows and movies that posit that the tiny niche area they cover is huuuuge and is the central interest of a large portion of humanity.

Do they use a lot of creepy music like from The Exorcist and/or Excalibur?

I love when people complain about the effects in old movies by saying something about "It looks fake."  My answer is "It is fake!"

What's amazing is they could make a film in which they explained a plot point by saying "… since the heart is a single cell …".  Somewhere in the production process I'm sure someone complained and was told to shut up because of how much money it took to make a movie that teenagers were just going make out through the

"There are two types of people in the world: those who divide people into two types and those who don't."

Rip off of the three rules for young men attributed to Jack London:
1) Never eat at a place called "Mom's"
2) Never play cards with a man name "Doc"
3) Never go to bed with a woman whose problems are worse than yours.

The "Trancers" movies, on a mass scale as I remember.

"- Movies where the same actor plays ancestor/descendant (sort of a pet peeve of mine - genetics do not work like that dammit, even if it is just to underline some thematic point)"

The Missionary Position - as long as it is with actual missionaries.

It only hit me this week how much Ron looks like at least one of the Fabulous Furry Freak brothers.