
I'm proud that I STARTED out thinking it was unwatchable and that the creepy mom should just go ahead and bang her sons already. Don't feel bad about taking all this time to catch up.

Hate the mother on The Goldbergs. Hes climbing all over her children makes it look more like a censored porno than a tv comedy.

Yeah, watching that lunatic slobber over her son makes it borderline incestuous.

Not Fresh Off The Boat. The mother in that is more awful than any other - finally passing the mother on The Goldbergs. The episode where she held a jury hostage because she didn't get to be foreman (or "Jury Boss" as she called it) and then caused a mistrial, should have gotten her arrested and the show canceled.

Did they censor the part of Christmas Vacation where the SWAT team bursts in and Beverly D'Angelo keeps hanging onto Chevy Chase's schvantz?

So is this "Serve Man (Regular)" or "Serve Man (Ironic)" ?

Hardly resolved. A fake is having a drink with Coulson in front of the rest of the team and the real one is a captive. If the show survives (it's on the bubble) there a lot left to show.

He did a TV movie with Tony LoBianco called "Mr. Inside/Mr. Outside" that was supposed to go to series but didn't Would have watched that.

Breitbart blamed an "automated video embed"? I've heard of scapegoating but they claim the machines are to blame?

Major League was one of two or three (The Natural being one) where the owners of the team plot to destroy the team to make money. I guess I don't understood the finances of a baseball team. And please don't tell me it's about gambling. You can't make money rigging a losing team to lose some more.

Well Hillary was Hillary long before the election.

You mean species-swapped

Bill Clinton could not "encourage" Trump to run. He could have warned Trump not to run as Hillary would make his campaign a huge and embarrassing failure. The is all it would take for Trump to do it.

Also the idea that "the Japanese love ghost stories" might be technically true but not this kind of ghost story. Ghost brides with killer white hair. Little kids with big mouths and no teeth. Ghosts crawling down stairs like demented crabs.
That kind of ghost story.

I would be very careful pinning my hopes on a theme park. The news is very bad lately. There have been some very ugly deaths.

Come on, we've all invented games that would require an entire city and a million dollars of equipment to play. Then our moms called us home for supper.

Only because we don't have the guts to face our blood lust

They left out one of my top two. Along with Rollerball the only other fictional movie sport I would watch is Russian Roulette in The Deer Hunter. In the words of Bart Simpson - "What part of 'diddy mo' don't you understand?"

American Girl - Silence of the Lambs. I get the creeps listening to it.
Lust for Life - Trainspotting.

We're the monsters. Win, win, win. When I was a kid they told us that the most important thing was that you tried, not that you won. It was BS then and it's BS now.