laughing girl

Whatever you feel about this episode there is no doubt that it highlights how much of a force Josh Charles was on the show and how much the show is suffering for his absence. There simply hasn't been a replacement for the male energy he brought to the show. Where the hell is Matthew Goode (I'm not counting his brief

That's the million dollar question, isn't it? What do the writers of TGW want us to think of Alicia? At best she's self-serving and opaque and boring - which is a strangely self-defeating combo for the lead of a tv series [no reflection here on JM's acting which as always is excellent] - admittedly in the case of

I like your take on her character. "God, you're awful and you don't even know how awful you are" (Season 5, Hitting the Fan). All the other anti-heroes (Underwood (both Frank and Claire), Hannibal, etc) have a stunning, interesting self-awareness. They know what they are. Alicia doesn't. In a way that makes her worse.

Re: Alicia winning/losing the race.

Yes. Me. And there should be an embargo on any election plotlines on this series.

There was a scandal episode this week that didn't get a grade because the reviewer couldn't decide - even after much deliberation. Kind of how I feel about this TGW ep. Yes, it does help flesh out Alicia's character - and god knows, she's so opaque she needs at least one ep focused on her. In principle I think it

Thank you!

Second that. I've been googling it and it's driving me nuts. Anyone? Help?

Love Dylan Baker but Colin Sweeney needs to go away. Stat.

Wow, that was really… not good… I still don't care about the election plotline and I'm struggling to be interested in Alicia at this point - Alicia's turned almost into a cipher - I mean why the hell does she run? And also - and I've said this before and been shot down for it - does she have anything else going on in

I can't tell you how much I enjoy Juliette's new found badassery. One of the best character transformations since Agent Woodenface's move to the dark side in SHIELD.

Apparently the ratings aren't great so most likely we won't be getting a 2nd series. Which sucks. They finally got a female led action series right and of course it won't get renewed. Why oh why is it always shows I really like that get cancelled: Firefly, Terriers, Deadwood…

Also: what's happening with Renard's stigmata like wounds? They didn't show anything about that, did they?

Am so over the baby plot. As you say: either do a Connor or let it go. Not sure what to do about Adalind because the writing for her character has been all over the place: would be a pity to loose her but not sure how they can redeem her.

So the writers grew a pair and stuck with Juliette as powerful, unalterable hexenbiest. Congratulations. Smart decision. The manticore kill was excellent. Though I don't really know what to say about Nick believing that Juliette killed a manticore - he's a strangely unaware/uncurious Grimm. Am massively enjoying Wu

You don't know how much it pains me that I can only upvote you for this once.

@ Evil Lincoln BTW, I do forget my manners: thank you for your excellent review and for keeping this thread going.

God, yes, the showrunners are really struggling with writing for the female characters. The only one that's a constant success is Rosalie. Otherwise you've got Juliette ('nuff said) and the trifecta of Trubel/Elizabeth/Kelly: kick-ass women who mix things up and then promptly and mysteriously disappear to where they

And what pray tell happened to those keys? What's going on with Adalind and the quest for eery superpowered baby? What's going on with the royals? The serialised storytelling on this show is beyond frustrating… pretty much unforgivable considering that Greenwalt was part of the writers team on Buffy and Whedon really

Henrietta whilst intriguing is obviously a stand-in for Elizabeth - because either the writers didn't plan this far ahead or because they couldn't afford Louise Lombard for more than the very few eps she was in. Which is a damn shame because LL rocks and really adds to the series. I'm a bit worried about the