
That's means you stay away, George Lucas!


Interesting that they could release this in 3D, since from all evidence it's really only 1D

The Elusive Robert Denby…
"Let's just get this out of the way: I smurfed a girl, and I liked it."

"I always struggled to understand why Monster "chased everyone off" after Automatic for the People."

It's easy to find since everybody knows about it nowadays - you can ask at the Chamber of Commerce (seriously) or the Visitors Bureau and they'll give you directions.

I also prefer the "Harold" version, and one thing about "7 Chinese Brothers" always confused me - I knew about the book "5 Chinese Brothers" and have wondered where they got the 2 extra brothers from (if that was the inspiration for the title).

"I just can't find the Marx Bros. funny."

"The beginning to "Night at the Opera"is also apparently lost forever—a scene set in Italy that was ordered cut out in the 40s."

"You do realize that OPRAH spelled backwards is HARPO, right?"

2 classics…
In "Grand Illusion", two scenes…

Yeah, I knew that Brown & Roach (and Miles Davis) were technically not 'pop' music, but I felt like including them anyway.

And last year you could've seen her film at several film Feistivals

Uh, EC was mentioned in the article proper - not forgotten like you seem to think…

My impression of his show…

It could've been worse in "A Day At The Races". An audio recording of Allan Jones singing "A Message From The Man In The Moon" appears on the DVD and is evidence of that song having been cut from the film, only to appear when Groucho sings some lines from it at the very end of the film. But really, you can't blame

The Beatles did a 'steamer trunk' scene on the revised cover of "'Yesterday' and Today"

Ah, yes, "Harpo Speaks" - for years after that, I would often use the pseudonym "Exapno Mapcase" (read the book to find out), which was semi-appropriate as I share Harpo's birthday.

Regarding titles and trademark infringement, I guess I was a tad off in saying that the people who made "Friends (With Benefits)" couldn't sue "Friends With Benefits" because there's no parentheses.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that "Animals" is their best, but it is clearly superior to "The Wall", and I feel it's better than "Dark Side…" I know that's sacrilege to some, but that's their problem