Inbred Hillbilly

And us!

Y'all kin come along too!

I'll take that young feller…
Fer a boat ride!

I'd watch thet!

I gots sumthin' I'd likes to share with y'all!

Ozarkians 'r shit kickers, Appalachians 'r shit heels.

Hip Hop ain't got no monopoly…
on rape culture.

I could get behind Ned Beatty in thet!

@KB, you just take them thar pants right off 'n I'll show ye.

We don't play nothin' that's gots nothin' to do with no jews round here.

Hey thar, sailor!

It don't make no nevermind to me!

Ain't no har in thet mouth!

I likes this feller! He ain't go no har on thet belly.

I'll have some of thet thar boypussy!

I don't cotton to no young wimmins gettin' in th' family way out o' wedlock lessin' the pa is in the family.

Only if'n he'd shave his belly!

I laks both kinds o music, country and western.

I ains't gwin to buy it lessen they come up with a belly har 'tachment.

I don't like them science fiction pictures what shows colored folk actin' like white folk.