Inbred Hillbilly

Transformers 3: You just take them thar pants right off!

I likes me some hillbilly bitches.

Ta see this here film is ta be made ta drank anti-freeze 'til y'all passes out and then wakin' up in tha mornin' with a size seven poop shoot.

At least you gots the anal warts to remembers it by.

Naw, but the rape scene alone makes it all worth while.

Ta see this here movie…
Is ta be made to squeal likened unto a pig, have your drawers removed, and be flung over a log and violated with a diseased, uncircumcised hillbilly pecker and after seeing your assailant pierced with an arrow, be allowed to shamefully dress, and return to your journey down river.

Sorry about that King Bastard but the way you wuz leanin over them Cheerios was just a askin' fer it.

Ah wants ta see more sow-hog lookin' men sqealin' lack piggies.
But only if'n they ainst got too much har.

We calls 'em sand n*ggers where I comes from.

I think some colored guy quit too.

I'm sorry…
that the jews control the media too.

We orta bomb those pommie bastards right back to the stone age fer insultin' or head o' state!

Captain America
He shore gots a purty mouth!

Now let's you just drop them pants!

No incest?!?