I think there are two versions of KFC (Korean Fried Chicken) - I've seen the versions that are heavily sauced/marinated/dry-rubbed, and yes, some of it comes really close to the 31 Flavours of General Tso's.
I think there are two versions of KFC (Korean Fried Chicken) - I've seen the versions that are heavily sauced/marinated/dry-rubbed, and yes, some of it comes really close to the 31 Flavours of General Tso's.
The reason I came to this article.
Also, it's near Nob Hill. Too far from my natural commute and I only get a half-hour lunch.
There was a Japanese bakery that did smoked salmon in brioche squares (funky square muffin-like pan, I'm guessing) and those were delish. Piroshkis seem to be all over the place, texture-&-consistency-wise, depending on who's making them, though. I've had ones that are like elongated stuffed buns and I've had ones…
One of the most entertaining conversations I had recently was at a table full of Western European techies and NGO types just savage each other's nationalities. It was like a live-action Scandinavia Vs. The World.
Smoked salmon (definitely hot-smoked) piroshkis at the Seattle Pike Place Market are pretty popular and pretty tasty. So, perhaps this can work. Actually, I'm more doubtful about the croissant actually tasting like a good, buttery croissant than the addition of salmon - far too many places set the bar at 'nominally…
The silver lining in this was the hashtag thread on Twitter 'Trump on Black History' https://twitter.com/hashtag…
I've decided that if I can't go with 'Trump' or 'this administration', I'll lean on "President 45".
No, not New Zealand. Peter Thiel is a New Zealand citizen.
Thanks to Hidden Figures, you can add, "Getting John Glenn safely out of orbit and back on earth without burning up."
I hated Wesley Crusher, but didn't throw any of that at Wil Wheaton.
You're making the assumption that Trump chose this pick. This came out of the Heritage Foundation, rubber-stamped by Priebus (and probably President Bannon).
Sympathies and condolences.
This seems too short. Jean Smart for Random Roles!
I have, thanks to last year's Hugo Awards voter packet, a Chuck Tingle story. I've been afraid to read it, but I really think I should at some point. Also, is 'buckaroos' gender-neutral or just male-oriented?
In the midst of all this nonsense, Politico reported this:
Senior staffers on the House Judiciary Committee helped Donald Trump's top aides draft the executive order curbing immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations, but the Republican committee chairman and partyleadership were not informed, according to…
Sam Sifton of the NY Times recently declared clam pizza the best pizza ever.
Motherforker! Excellent news!
Bless her. And bless her heart. (Yes, I'm covering all bases … and all faces!)