
The word is that the ban on LGBT discrimination by federal contractors will be lifted by the future EO AND that members of Congress are working on several 'religious liberty' bills that will shield people who discriminate against same-sex couples/LGBT individuals.

This has been going around on social media - you may find it speaks to you. If so, great, if not, no offense meant.

I think I saved a DVD set of The Storyteller during my move. Now to get a player …

You are totally correct, but I will be pedantic in your general direction: there's been one instance where content that was considered in the public domain in the U.S. was taken out and given copyright protection: to comply with treaty obligations, the U.S. took foreign works that had originally gone into the public

They should call it Quantum Love.

Thank you.

So, have I missed the Barbara Hale obit, or is it still being worked on?

Which is why Paul McCarthy has to now go to court to terminate the assignments of copyright and get back the rights.

Not completely bogus - or it would have been much cheaper to litigate. Given the various derivations of music and lyrics and transfers and assignments over decades, it was a right mess. That said, Warner was obviously much more interested in keeping the mess their lucrative property rather than providing as

Cognitive dissonance is a heck of a thing. And few people are completely immune.

Yay, something to watch on YouTube! Go, Falcons!

Speaking of the infrastructure budget - has anyone seen any mention of a nominee for Sec'y of the Dep't of Transportation?

My old-is-new-again senior senator from California is a neo-liberal hawk in love with the military/intelligence/national security complex. Dianne Feinstein can be good on social issues, but even before 9/11, the woman never met a military budget or surveillance program she didn't like UNTIL it was revealed that the

There was a collection of material from Tijuana bibles back in the early aughts - Art Spiegelmann wrote the forward for it.

I will need a glass of wine when I get home to forget that.

I'll be in my bunk.

That's not rococo, that's rococococococococo. Not that I mind, n'est-ce pas.

Randall really is the best, and both Young Randall and Jack just cracked me up tonight.

Have you seen the movie Stoker - he's crackin' good in that one and playing outside of his wheelhouse.

It's an aesthetics boycott.