Have you ever applied to be a guest programmer at TCM?
Have you ever applied to be a guest programmer at TCM?
Given how she went catatonic at Lucifer's true face (or one of them), I suspect she's decided that some ignorance is truly bliss.
And the show has really, really given up even the attempt to justify Lucifer's presence in investigating these cases.
Succeeding in Hollywood for decades takes hard work, determination and luck. Especially if you start out as a no-name character who never breaks into actual lead roles and don't have a distinctive physical characteristic that people would remember you by. I mean, Danny Strong doesn't even qualify for HITG! status.
Thank you.
That's it! I'm going to make a film called "Hidden Fences"! It'll be a documentary! With blackjack! And hookers! And Pam Grier!
That scene is where they're blowing off steam and tipsy on homemade hooch.
Went to the Oakland and SF marches. Oakland was a bit chaotic - the BART station nearest the meeting point was a major chokepoint, and the march ended up taking over two parallel streets. That said, the energy was amazing - at least 2 marching bands and played for the crowds. By the time we reached the endpoint, it…
Congrats and condolences.
I can't say about his recent movies, but the episode he directed of The Flash last season, "The Runaway Dinosaur," was one of the best of the season. Solid plot, great characterization and acting, emotionally resonant — no real complaints. If he can do the same for Supergirl, right one.
I know it wasn't done by Kasdan, but no mention of Dave as the proof of the exception for the KKMP? Also, a funny film that let many people be funny without being slapstick.
It was a great vibe. The Oakland march had two different marching bands and several drumming ensembles. People were just happy to be there, even with the aggravation of totally overwhelming the commuter train station nearest the march start.
Huzzah? Eh, I'll take it. Huzzah!
I thought she looked pretty happy when she was doing stuff with kids. But no, I don't think she particularly liked wading into the political BS.
In theory, I'm going to two!* Oakland (in the morning) and SF (in the evening).
My favourite cereal as a kid - I'm sure I'd puke from all of the sugar if I tried to eat it now, but … yeah.
Is it? I had a setting-fires stage, but out of fear of torching my mother's house, it was delayed until college.
If there is one organization throughout the land that deserves such treatment, it's Getty Images.
You are giving Trump and his team the benefit of the doubt. Personally, I think he's misled, inveigled and outright lied far too much to be given such benefit, but to each their own. Especially since this is such a petty thing.