Is this not bargain-basement Boiler Room?
Is this not bargain-basement Boiler Room?
Mushrooms? I'm out. But I'll push them on my geek next time we're out for dim sum.
I think they want fun & frothy, but they also want to raise the stakes and get that OMG/what a twist/did you see what the show did??? sorta thing.
The still from the screenshot looks fab, but the thumbnail had me thinking, "So, Powder II: Remember the Time is a thing now?"
I dunno. The Catch lost me with its tonal dissonance. You can do frothy, fun capers with sex or you can do dark, shifty, anti-hero capers with sex, but when you start throwing murdery psychopaths into your frothy capers … nah.
It does sound like something JG Ballard would have written … perhaps as a sequel to Crash.
But so many people get off on it …
The next 4 years will be a great time to start one.
Is that what you named your STOP! … I'll be good. I won't go there. Nope nope nope. As you were.
None more black, is what it all means.
Not to mention, how?
I've joked for years about the movie being a secret Randian screed about how 'empathy' and collectivism can bring down an otherwise strong, impassioned, ambitious man surrounded by weak people who can't or won't take care of themselves.
Apparently, I need to start following Gaffigan, because we can bond over not getting The Bachelor and I can give him side-eye when he curses. "Dude! I thought you worked clean! *huff!*"
Hee … I'm teasing, mostly — I have no issues with Hardy in or out of his wheelhouse.
James is a man of few words and the ones he does speak are delivered in—surprise—a gruff manner
Norway … a nation of pirates!
I'm sorry, how much pot?
Have you not seen the Hello Kitty stratocaster? And personal massager?
Stop puttin' me on!