You should see what Malvolio plots to do to Olivia for revenge …
You should see what Malvolio plots to do to Olivia for revenge …
I'm fine with him doing completely ridiculous stories - if anyone were to make a remake of Baron Munchausen, I'd want it to be him. Let him develop and film fantastic fantasias of fulminating phantoms - just get someone else to do the script and make sure the script gets stuck to.
So, "NBC’s gorgeous Emerald City is a Wizard Of Oz that’s neither great nor terrible"? Or perhaps "New grimdark reboot of Wizard of Oz is Emehrald City" …
Maybe Neil Gaiman wrote the script? (Yes, I know, that's mean of me)
I know there was a porn version of Alice in Wonderland I think the movie poster for it was up at a L.A. arthouse as of the late 90s.
I don't have Hulu. Been trying to figure out if now's a good time to get Netflix.
So, as of Monday night, I had CMT in my Comcast cable package. So, I set my Tivo to record Nashville. I flip over after The Good Place and I get an 'unauthorized channel' message. I wait. I call the support line and go through the automated system to reboot the system. Still nothing. Finally call back to speak to a…
I can't even hatewatch Sleepy Hollow at this point. It was fun, but bye.
Facebook? No. OKCupid or get out.
My hero, John Carpenter!
It took me until 1/3 of Sean's lovely piece above to realize that the point of the story isn't that Mr. Bice was aggrieved over being misidentified because he's actually biracial, a la Wentworth Miller (who doesn't seem to be aggrieved but did recently point out that YES, I'M BIRACIAL, YA DIG?).
"Negro, please" used to be popular, but after living in the Pacific Northwest for 6 years, I think the only place I have heard it recently is on "Black-ish".
Who told you this?
I could check out a Body Count/Mariah Carey album, for real.
Is it good? And I'm living in Hayward! Meet-up!
What's that about collard greens?
Is that where it was? I heard rumours. Honestly, I would have preferred Del Taco to Taco Time or Taco del Mar, but if I was going to drive from Ballard to Federal Way, it's going to be for real (and really good) ethnic food I couldn't get in Seattle.
the Penguin alternates from being socially inept to being a master strategist
I also liked him in No Way Out.