Steak 'n Shake has expanded into Seattle. It's gone terribly wrong.…
Steak 'n Shake has expanded into Seattle. It's gone terribly wrong.…
Um, that's …
It's great for tracking comments about professional conference sessions I am interested in and can't attend. And I get to catch up with my library peeps and my lawyer peeps and new issues in copyright and pretty steampunk pictures and wry sci-fi authors.
Anyone curious about this sort of thing can tune in tonight to the
winter premiere, where Bull helps a company accused of killing an
employee with a self-driving car.
I think Lacey Chabert may be in a Deathmatch with McKellar for that title, Evil Lincoln ('prototypical cable movie actress').
Judgment Day was a pretty fun pinball game.
Body-building. Discipline for same. Investing (sure, he has really smart people probably telling him what to do but he actually listens to them, which is why he's probably still quite rich). Recognizing and maximizing his limitations in his self-marketing. Does he have a wide or even a decent acting range? Absolutely…
Now you've gone too far.
I worry about Chris Hayes. All In has its good points, but during the election season, it was more 'Hot Takes about Trump' than the more interesting analysis and discussion that he led when he did the weekend Up programming. (I also missed his field reporting, like he did in Ferguson.) He doesn't have Maddow's cachet…
As I noted before - Exhibit A: Brian Williams' rehabilitation on MSNBC's election coverage (with a nightly wrap-up show right after Last Word)
They didn't lose him, they just temporarily misplaced him in the cupboard. Once they finally threw out that 8-year-old jar of peach and ginger chutney, they found him, dusted him off and put him on air again.
Wendy O. Williams is.
Spooning is a natural way to keep warm at night and you don't have to worry about out-of-wedlock pregnancies.
She also did this weird Hallmark/Lifetime movie playing an Orthodox Jewish widow. She spent most of the movie wearing a brunette wig (and I had totally forgotten that Orthodox women do that) and I was so confused until she went to a party at the climax with her natural red hair showing.
You are not alone.
Hee! Thank you! *fist-bump*
I tend to get Wendy Williams and Wendy O. Williams confused - which is amusing in a way, but I'm also disappointed that more gay men didn't actually mean Wendy O. Williams. Because that would be funny.
Technically, Brian Williams is NBC, not MSNBC, but that didn't stop the network brass from shoehorning him into the special election coverage at every turn on both channels, plus giving him a nightly wrap-up show on MSNBC. Unless there's a tremendous hue and cry, Kelly is going to show up on MSNBC at some point.
Is she getting an MSNBC show? Because if so … well, I will do nothing. I've stopped watching even Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow at this point, because I got tired of Rachel side-eying Bernie Sanders like he killed her roommate's cat and Chris's show became 2/3s The Trump Hour and I just can't deal because that's not…
I grew up watching cooking shows on PBS. Turned out my mother was thoroughly skeeved out by them. 'Their hands all in that food - how do I know they've washed those hands?' she used to say. She didn't like to eat out that much, either.