This. I find his persona tiresome, but he's made some great restaurant picks, and I'm sure the owners enjoy the pick-up in business (my favourite falafel stand in the Bay Area enjoyed the Fieri bump).
This. I find his persona tiresome, but he's made some great restaurant picks, and I'm sure the owners enjoy the pick-up in business (my favourite falafel stand in the Bay Area enjoyed the Fieri bump).
1) Can't he be bi?
2) Since Nick has already played Captain Holt's ex on Brooklyn 99, this could lead to new and interesting shared-universe choices.
3) I really don't care, I just wanted to bring up B99.
Meh. Call me for the Veronica's Closet reunion, though.
Will Howard be rapey and have a corkscrew penis, like real ducks?
The UK Guardian (or one of its columnists) agrees with you:…
And blessed are their users, amen.
I'm not seeing the $197 price cited above for the FitDesk, although $255 looks like a decent discount. Anyone around here use it? (I know, my apartment complex has a gym, but I haven't found it yet, and it's cold and rainy now and I don't wanna …)
I saw The Arrival on Monday. I really liked it, although I'm not sure how many people I would advise to see it. Well, that's not true, I praised it on Twitter, so I did recommend it to a lot of people - but it's somber and depressing and there's this big time travel/future paradox that they literally don't even try to…
Speaking of election hacks - there's been quite the back and forth on Twitter between The Intercept's (formerly Salon's) Glenn Greenwald and other members of the press (such as Josh Marshall) on whether there's actually enough evidence to show that the hacking of the DNC and the successful phishing of John Podesta's…
Thank you so much, dear!
Some of both. I watch some TV every night, even if it's TCM or one of the L&O marathons on ION or Sundance …
So, I have a dilemma. I have a smart TV, already programmed to receive Netflix - I just need to pull the trigger and sign up. However, I already have a half-full Tivo and had issues being able to watch everything I wanted this past half-season.
Go anyway. No telling how Brexit will affect general customs procedures in the UK.
I watched my first episode of George Gently last night while assembling a rather heavy nightstand for my geek. Having only seen him as Adam Dagleish before - Martin Shaw is good, but geez, Gently is a meanie.
Even under Eisenhower? Not that I know much about Ike's economic policies, but generally, the 50s were considered a time of rising prosperity and growth, yes?
Svengoolie played The Ghost Mummy. It's still recording on my Tivo, while I watched How to Train Your Dragon 2 and Inkheart. Tomorrow, I plan to watch the Christmas movies on my Tivo and whatever else catches my fancy.
Since when? And where?
Are you an air traffic controller?
Oh gosh, thank you so much! You have always been a joy to read.
Happy New Year! Thank you for offering a place of humour, discussion, analysis and silliness - both staff and commentators.