
So glad I wasn't drinking when I read that … bravo.

I think some people just wanted the world to burn and stick it to elite, decadent liberals, hence voting for Trump. Or they did believe that Hillary was evil incarnate or the queen of Washington corruption. But I also think there are some people really took his economic messaging seriously, and even if they're unhappy

I assumed someone did a 'Bacon Posts of December' for their surprisingly robust and popular newsletter devoted to smoked meat products and/or lovers of the pig.

Aretha Franklin and her amazing hat would like to have a word with you. Outside

You laugh, but at the Christmas service at Glide Memorial in SF, one of the musical selections was "Seasons of Love" from Rent. Another was the 70s tune, "This Christmas".

I tried going to the Tabernacle once. One of the people there kept on asking me about what brought me to SLC and what I was doing in grad school and what was Los Angeles like. I finally gave up and left.

I think if he doesn't try to stop the Republicans from repealing ACA or putting major dents in Medicare, he will lose a significant part of his base. Also, a trade war/bubble bursting that sends the job market into another downturn will affect his numbers.

All of the intros were done by Ben Mankowitz, who really is trying to step into Robert Osborne's shoes, but still gives off that air of smarmy uber-film-nerddom - the second isn't bad, but the first …

Hee! I missed that completely. What can I say, assembling a sofa tuckered me out.

She was in something recent, but I don't know what. Also, IMDb is heavily biased towards film; I don't know if Caity Lotz has done many film roles, but Bring It On used to be in heavy cable rotation.

I kept watching. I regretted it.

Appropos to absolutely nothing in this thread - have you all noticed that the 12 Days of BaconMas has received some sort of renaissance and now dominates the Most Read widget? Something is going on …

A friend of mine had to vent over it - she sees it giving the message of 'to be a real activist/compassionate person, you have to give money as well as be active in causes'.

The TCM year-end In Memoriam watch

Is The X-Files too popular to be a cult show? Because it inspired cultish devotion in a lot of people (myself included).

After 6 years in Seattle and 3 years of Pacific-Northwest allergies, I threw in the towel and moved back to the SF Bay Area. It's not as major as moving to Bethelhem, PA (I had a phone interview for a job at Lehigh U earlier this year, so it was considered), but no interstate move is minor.

Ugh, group assignments. The last one I did for library school: there was only the two of us, we'd known each other for a year, we had the same interests, yadda yadda. And then … radio silence. And when she comes back about a week before the assignment is due (this is an online class, btw, with the teacher in Kansas,

Incompetence vs. extreme emotional disturbance in response to a charge of 2nd degree/reckless disregard.

I dunno. What is Tucci's tolerance for mountains of coke?

I, too, liked Men in Trees and Ugly Betty.