
(unless you consider Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly special effects)

There you are - I was starting to wonder. How are you?

He was my first superhero, cartoon and comics, and how I loved him so.

This is a tangent that I wrote earlier (before learning Debbie Reynolds had died), and it has nothing to do with your excellent piece, but I'm going to post it anyway, before I lose my nerve.

Thank you. Not only for the things you write here and the work you do, but also because of how much of yourself you put into both.



As you will learn …

I would have, but given how I was having a very heavy and starchy tamale meal later, I had the wedge salad (and fries).

Same here.

I watched Charlotte's Web so long ago, despite my arachnophobia, and loved every bit of it. But I had no idea (or had completely forgotten) that Debbie was Charlotte's voice until the obit above.

Nonsense, Frederic March was lovely!

Not a shock or a surprise, but saddening just the same. If this had occurred in the ordinary course of events, I'd simply praise Ms. Reynolds on her wonderful talent and astounding career … but this isn't in the ordinary course of events, is it?

On Christmas Day, I ended up having an early lunch at Mel's Drive-In on Mission in SF. The chain predates American Graffiti but one of the locations was used in the movie, so now the official decor includes lots of stills from the movie as part of the wallpaper - and the shoot. Never has young George Lucas been so

I remember Voyagers. Poor Jon-Erik.

Before or after she dated Gov. Moonbeam?

How can you expect good behavior with a weak pelvic floor? I'll see you in 12, try not to shiv anyone.

I could be wrong - it was so long ago, and I'm not finding any evidence of it on the web - but there used to be a magazine in L.A. called Buzz, and I think that Carrie Fisher had a regular column in it. She was funny, self-deprecating, honest about the ridiculousness of Tinseltown and a joy to read.

I want to pick up the HC volume of Klaus, plus this year's one-shot, Klaus and the Witch of Winter, but comic book shops (and bookstores) aren't as thick on the ground as they used to be around here.
