
Still in moving mode. But, I caught some recent eps of The Librarians, as well as the PBS broadcast of Shakespeare Live! from the RSC.

I have no specific advice, but here are some websites with resources specifically for and about transgender youth:

It's a favourite of mine. I'm not sure Fred MacMurray was ever so appealing - idealistic, but not a sap to be played; smart but still able to get in trouble.

We are the Island of Misfit Toys, aren't we? No wonder I love this place.

More for me, then!

Putin is notably competent at certain things. Supposedly, Russia's economy isn't very strong.

Actually, I came here to mention that the browned butter cookies looks like a solid recipe, but I'm likely to try it without the bacon and thus wondering what should make up for the missing liquid bacon fat.


Themes mentioned above:
Buffy (especially the first season)
Veronica Mars
The X-Files

I confess to preferring the original Nerf Herder Buffy theme to the latter one.



I wonder if Grant Morrison's Klaus is in digital format. I missed 3 of the 7 issues (including the last two) and this weekend would be the perfect time to read it all in one fell swoop.

I can't say that I blame your parents, but it would be cool if the next time that server said such a thing, the recipient responded, "Oh? What happened the last time you said it? Did you lose your job? Get thrown out of housing? Deported? Forced to wear cross emblem on all of your clothing? No? Strange …"

Is that Gilligan's Island listicle from Taboola or Cracked?

I have to admit, Saturday, I ordered a much-needed watch and a shower caddy via ID.


I have no advice, just well wishes.

Tenancy of new apartment has been taken. And our POD of stuff has just arrived and is being successfully dropped off. Unloaders confirmed for tomorrow. And work is slow so far.

Thank you! The best to you and yours!