
Happy holidays and congrats! *hug*

They let you have access to the AV Club in prison, Ethan?


I did! They are neato peachy keen. Thank you!

The last Passover seder (an interfaith one) that I attended had a lovely kosher wine that I only took a sip of (since I was driving) … California, from either Napa or Sonoma, and not especially different from any other California wine.

Ice wine tends to come from places where the grapes freeze partway through the fermentation process, so they stay sugary rather than turning into alcohol. That's the theory, anyway.

A shame it's not better, but I feel compelled, based on subject matter and cast, to see it anyway.

I'm mighty glad to be back, not that WA State would fall over itself to be BFFs with the incoming administration.

Harvey. Despite generally loving Jimmy Stewart as a kid, I hated that movie. Maybe because there were too many drunk old men in my neighborhood for me to see one on the screen and think, "Aww, he's harmless, leave him alone!"


Go on Boxing Day. No one will be around.

So, seeing lushly brunet Bob Barker makes me wonder if Wink Martindale was deliberately cloned from him or if there was just an accident in the Game Show Host genetics lab one day.

But didja get the pants exchanged?

Don't forget Seattle, or the entire city, collectively, will pout at you. San Francisco will sniff and pretend not to care.

Thank you kindly, Les. Much appreciated.

Which Soma-FM channel can I find a representative sample of it?

Errol Flynn versus Orson Welles? Oh boy! I'll be in my bunk!

A.O. Scott loved it, and specifically called out (in a good way) its visual translation from stage to film.

This. Exactly. Amen.

Randall, not to be too persnickety, but Google tells me that "bacon-wrapped avocado fries" are actually more Paleo than Asian. At least, I haven't seen bacon-avocado fries in a Quickly yet, but I'm sure it's coming along any day now.