
Is 'chillout' anything like ambient? Is 'chillout' actually ambient? Did you all just rename ambient as 'chillout'???

True, it could be San Francisco in July. Brrr …

No, spoil, spoil!

The original, uncolorized Miracle on 34th Street.

But who got the record?

*salutes* RIP, Mr. Fox, and thanks for the decades of laughter.

Awww, thank you. Perhaps one day, I'll be qualified and may try for legal scholarship, but libsci is my bailiwick (as well as my bread & butter).

That's a little too high-flying for me - academic librarian and/or library science instructor is my aspiration.

Kraken's lovely to use for ginger rum cake, too.

I'm a big fan, but as I'm not generally a huge fan of 'typical' Westerns, you should take my opinion with a grain of salt.

But you've seen the error of your ways?

I have, since October:

Speedy recovery and care and support and love to you, your dad, WBE and all of your loved ones, PET.

Yahoo! It knows what it did.


Morimoto's as in Iron Chef and nemesis of Bobby Flay Morimoto?

I'm not even sure we know what a tide that lifts ALL boats looks like. Some recent political articles (include Ta-Hinsi Coates's stuff in The Atlantic) have pointed out that vast swathes of the New Deal deliberately carved out exceptions based on race and ethnicity. The closest we've probably come was Johnson's Great

I haven't cooked - mainly living off of Trader Joe's food for dinners until I get my own kitchen and implements back. But last weekend, a friend suggested Cambodian food, and I liked it more than I expected. Some unfamiliar flavors mixed in with what seemed like a cross-variant of Thai and Vietnamese, but I liked what

I'm back, baby!

Dang it. Thanks for the info, even though I mostly use it for recipes nowadays. Oh wait, there's the notes on the chapter I wrote about hate speech online … alright, going the encrypted route tonight.