
Has an inner/middle-ear issue been eliminated from the possibilities? The ear blockage -> nausea seems consequential (but may not be). I hope whatever is causing it gets treated/goes away soon.

Woo hoo! And go on with the mad public speaking skillz!

So, Richard Brody of The New Yorker hates this film. And I was inclined to take him seriously, until this sentence:

Marlon Brando: brilliant casting choice. Could barely sing his way out of a weight paper bag, but when was he ever, EVER so charming and light on film? The best Sky Masterson.

Singin' in the Rain. Because. I'm also very, very partial to The Music Man, but I have to add a caveat - it's both cornpone and satirizing cornpone and then goes back to cornpone.

Instead, we've turned our backs on exploring the universe (The Space Age
that seems half-dead), or even fundamentally advancing ourselves (the
Biotech Revolution that has sputtered), in favor of better toys.

Me, either! I'm not the only one?

Doggone it, I wanted to be the one who mentioned Bear. I have Canadian friends who flinch at a mere picture of the book cover.

Bravo, Will!

Les. Les, Les, Les.

Man, Josh and Reva! What a couple.

The ratings for Lucifer would be quite a bit higher if the cast were naked and getting it on between dramatic arguments and crime scenes.


"Research Me Obsessively" - the privacy anthem we all need and only partially deserve.

I'm exceptionally fond of the Lord Peter series by Dorothy L. Sayers, so my vote is split between Murder Must Advertise and Gaudy Night.

I used to like Reed's and adore Cock 'N Bull, but after I gave up regularly drinking soda, I found them too syrupy for me. Nowadays, I prefer my ginger beer on the dry side, with plenty of burn. I fell in love with Rachel's while in Seattle, but now that I'm back in Cali, I suspect it will be Fentiman's for me, when I

As good as their ginger beer is, I adore the Shandy they make - first time I ever found beer palatable in liquid form.

An ad for this airs constantly on the TV in the elevator of my new workplace (a very corporate section of San Francisco). Except for Courtney B. Vance, it looks deathlessly grim.

This. It was the first time I ever saw him outside of the whole Hell's Kitchen persona. And he makes his eggs just the way I like them!

I'm in, if only to revel in last week's awkwardness.