
Sadly, that doesn't seem to be consistent:

I've seen the 1st 2 of the 4 eps - if I don't know much about Arrow and have never watched Legends, is it worth finishing the crossover?

Ya did done good. *exploding fist-bump*

100. Save Brubeck

I am starting to experience fear over the prospective FEMA appointment.


I used one at a Mickey D's in at Zurich International Airport. Luckily, they also called out my order number in English.

Ugh. It appears they were building something similar in my neighbourhood - not completely sure if it would be an Amazon Go or a drive-by/pick-up location for Amazon Fresh, but it'll likely to f' up traffic further on a thoroughfare that's already pretty f'ed up from 2:30 - 7:30, M-F.

who knows nothing about the political process

There has to be a German word for 'You made me miserable, but you've also managed to make yourself miserable, so, there's that, I guess".

Welcome back!

More more!

Jeff Secessions

This episode was everything. But the funny … it was so funny.

My mother, once, bluntly asked if I'd ever bring home a non-Mexican guy (mind you, those guys were only friends with cars who'd give me rides, not actual romantic/sexual partners).

That sounds so hot when you say it.

Heh. I do enjoy Pitch although I can't claim that I watch it intensely. It's not deep. But it's a fun hour of programming.

I doubt anything will transcend the original Hairspray movie for me, but I'm willing to give the live musical a shot (and I've avoided seeing the movie musical, so this is saying something).

I'm a bit hung up on 7 - not everyone returns to their familiar situation. Many traditional romances, for instance - the familiar milieu is transcended so that the hero and heroine (and the heroine is often the protagonist) can have a fresh start as part of their HEA (happily ever after)

I appear to have completed a goal: get back to California. Now trying to adjust to it before making more goals.