
*gets out the pom-poms and cheers for JM*

Congrats! We're pulling for you.

Hi, folks.

There are disks with pieces of the Archive in various places, but it's more of a symbolic gesture.

So, she's re-inventing Montessori schools for the Scots? Huh.

You mean that this guy gets off on reluctant upvotes??

Frell. Thanks for the info.

What did Ace do?


The religious show put out by the Paulists in the 70s? I watched that as a kid …

Huh. My foggy impression is that Achtung Baby was well regarded but Pop is where the backtracking and backlash begun …

He also had a few good scenes in the Sleepy Hollow TV show.

Sympathies and condolences. I know what it's like to be far away when someone you love dies — don't let guilt and self-recrimination weigh too much upon you. Love crosses boundaries and distances.

*imagines cuts from The Hunger, The Prestige, Purple Rain and Batman in this year's TCM Remembers and smiles*

This is why everyone in need of turkey help should call the Splendid Table's Turkey Confidential on T-Day. Lynne Rossetto Kasper does not PLAY when it comes to roasting birds.

I'm wondering if a few minutes with a butane torch or maybe just 15 minutes at a higher temp without the foil, could help with the skin.

*fist-bump* I was in my 20s when Beauty & the Beast came out, but I still identified with Belle due to the compulsive reading.

Now I'm thinking of "Disney's The X-Files", and what they'd do to Mulder is worse than what you'd do (and have done) to Mulder.

Is the research library staffed with librarians? Because news librarians are your friends, if you let them.