
Dianne Feinstein can be so wobbly when she thinks national security is at stake, she's practically a Weeble. But Willy Brown would probably eat her lunch if she voted for approving Sessions, so I suspect she's a likely no vote.

*twitches* Of course there wouldn't be … in 1920s New York.

I'm expected the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department to be eviscerated if Sessions get in. And what Republican senator would dare oppose him publicly?

*sigh* Thank you, Ms. Jones.

If only it were so easy to disavow Justice Thomas …

And yet, only 4 years ago, it did!


And Fantastic Beasts’ New York is barely a place, however expensively realized.

Interesting. David Edelstein over at The Vulture pretty much blames the writing for the lacklusterness of the overall movie, and he lays that solely at Rowling's feet.

I'm okay with what was left out of Azkaban - the movie didn't lack for plot, otherwise and I left feeling I watched a movie that inhabited a real world (if not my real world). But there were parts of Snape's arc left out of HBP that had me confused when I left the movie theater. Especially since that might be my

Her worldbuilding can be … I think I'd call it scattershot. She builds in great and even glorious detail, but the internal logic is dicey and there's holes & unanswered questions everywhere.

John Wayne and Suge Knight (both named Marion) agree with you.

And she could have been in the armed forces and risen to the rank of Major before retiring and going into punditry … and then we could all go watch iZombie.

Honestly, this has become my folding-laundry show. Not intense, not quite intriguing, but interesting enough to keep at least half of my attention through the hour. Right now, the cast chemistry and the character work impresses me more than the story. But if it's canceled, I'd miss it (more than Empire, let me tell

I have friends in similar straits, and they're literally all over the map. I hope things get better for you and yours, even under the incoming Administration.

the economy is broken, we can clearly see how it's broken, but Wall
Street supporters and educated elites will never see that it's broken
for most of us



Serendipitous! And *hug*