
For whatever reason, I lost a number of cable channels last night, and this ep was a casualty of that. Darn you, Comcast! *shakes her fist*

*fist-bump* Sho' you right.

I have a plea to the powers that are at A.V. Club: please, please turn off auto-play on the videos. It hurts, if not kills, my browsers; I'm sick of the crashing and low memory issues, and it's just really annoying.

Are you prepared to hold that pose for the next 50 months? You may want to start stretching …

Because he was a grasping little striver who wanted to ingratiate himself to the crown, and the other humans were afraid of her. Why she ever let him get close enough to cut off her wings is what wracked my brains for most of the movie.

lend the action concussive energy

I'm going to be bad and talk about Poldark. Did anyone watch Poldark? And who wants to smack Ross across the head and shoulders for a very long time, then pay some urchins to continue the smacking while getting something to eat and maybe take a nap?

I liked Maleficent. Definitely AU and ran a bit long. It's biggest problem was Sharto Copley - I haven't seen him in other films, but he was an absolute charisma sponge in Maleficent, which made you wonder why Mal would go out of her way to either love or hate that guy.

* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);

TURMP's "fortune" was made in real estate; every business venture he's entered into which provided an actual product or service has gone bankrupt due to mismanagement.

The humbling part is that you didn't have to do this. This isn't the work you get paid for, you are loved and respected for your deep wells of snark and caustic wit. No one should ever require you to lay your soul bare and show your scars on a website devoted to pop culture.

As a book fan - Cuaron's movie is still my absolute favourite one. The kids were growing into their acting, to be sure, but people had personality and quirks besides what was necessary to the plot. There were laughs and silliness (the Bogart scene is just a gem of goofiness until the stakes shift). London looked like

Hey! I've been traveling all this week, and managed to watch a bunch of movies, thanks to Lufthansa.

Oh, wait until your 40s. You LOVE sleep. You CRAVE sleep. You named sleep Brad.

I completely missed the cartoon. However, I read the book while still in my teens and it lingered in my consciousness for a long, long time. I re-read it last year; some of the glimmer has been lost, due to age and cynicism and general awareness, but it is still soaring and touching and young and ancient.

Having just seen the initial NY Times story, I would love to know exactly what charges went to the jury and what the judge's instruction were. Because yes, it could be two things, and things like jury nullification and race might well have played a huge factor. However, the conspiracy charge "to impede federal

The Rent gambit.

Terrible in every way? I have heard that Cleveland has wonderful Jewish delis.

I've been catching up on some of the hoariest Vincent Price films that have sat on my Tivo for 3 years. Dr. Phibes, Twice-Told Tales, The Tomb of Lageia - fun stuff so far. I still have Theatre of Blood & The Conqueror Worm to get to, perhaps tonight.

I've been drinking Pu Erh every night. Good stuff.

I think I ate at the Vegas version last year. It was amazing food.