
You got it in one. Hilariously stupid. Yes. Absurdly so. The twist was nice enough to stop me skimming, but … yes, I made the right choice not to buy or check out another Palahniuk book. The rest of you have fun!


Richard Harris? Do you mean Peter O'Toole? And I think he's Henry II.

Wait, what happened to Supergirl coverage?

Mail-in ballot came in yesterday. Put it in the free ballot collection box in front of my local library today.

I am so sorry for your loss, NUME. Thank you for sharing with us.

Well, this pretty much explains how Donald Trump managed not to make it on to a single Law & Order episode in 26 years, across at least 4 shows that filmed in Manhattan day in, day out. (I'm assuming that the 5th L&O that was set in LA actually filmed in LA.)

One Palantír to Live

To be fair, everyone in Beginners is a big part of why it's a very good movie. Even the dog. Heck, especially the dog.

I don't know which tickles me more: that TCM is playing Jaws I-III this weekend, or that even in the name of Robert Osborne's OCD, they won't play Jaws IV, The Revenge (aka Michael Caine's house).

So, will this semi-review run again next week, or will these be continually a week ahead of the rest of us?

but let’s not forget that Miley Cyrus and Paramore have both covered the hit, too

I checked out a collection of Angela Carter's short stories, Saints and Sinners (formerly called Black Venus), from the library. Rambling, dreamy, prickly prose. I'm in a weird enough mood that I'm not sure if I like it, but I can wrap myself in the words easily enough. Planning to follow that up with some A.S. Byatt

Last weekend was spent at a smut writers conference, and that was nice. I have ideas to move forward, but I'm going to at least wait until I'm back from Prague.

It was very, very trendy 2 years ago, but I think it's fading. Here in Seattle, it's now all about poke (Hawaiian sushi bowls) and pricey donuts.

I haven't been good about going to the gym, but I am walking quite a bit - definitely getting more than 6K steps per day (averaging around 7.5k, I think). I'm thinking about getting up an hour early to walk/run/lift weights before going to work, but … that's hard. I love my sleep. I adore my fall & winter sleep. Well,

Just been asked to interview via Skype next week for a lovely-sounding position, in a place I can easily consider second home. Fingers crossed.

Trump. Ugh.

Was Serial Mom R-rated?