
*hug* Glad you had a lovely family trip!

But what does that have to do with the map of Tazmania?

I did. It was like a gritty version of that Jennifer Love Hewitt show involving ghosts … Ghost Whisperer?

One of us! One of us!

And just what is wrong with the Squirrel Nut Zippers, hmmm?

Plus, Michelle would kill him. She signed up for 8 years of this, and no more.

Nah, the accelerated aging stops on January 20, 2017.

a film adaptation of Beowulf starring Arnold Schwarzenegger

You know he's also recurring on This Is Us? Downright ubiquitous …

For one of the less dystopian/depressing tales from the 1980s Twilight Zone: "Paladin of the Lost Hour," based on a story by Harlan Ellison, starring Glynn Turman and Danny Kaye. Sweet, sad, manages to avoid becoming saccharine with a sense of loss and sacrifice, and the wonderful chemistry between Turman and Kaye.

I remember Amazing Stories being much goofier than I had hoped.

"Gramma", I think it's called.

I loved all of those shows. And all of those episodes. Except The Elevator on the new TZ. Big red no on rewatching that one.

California is the most populous state (38M to 26M, per 2013 population estimates). Texas is the largest state, by geographic mass, in the contiguous U.S.

Hey now … I learned enough to know that the Bull Moose party had its own theme song.

You would think so - but Disney doesn't want to license characters even from itself. Aladdin is in the public domain, Galavant is not, and odds are, it's not wholly owned by The Mouse House.

I was looking for just that.

It was a lovely twist, in its way, and the idea that the original could be more evil than the 'dark half' has a great resonance. But I'm trying to remember Hyde's behaviour from last season and I don't remember enough to say that it shades into venal and amoral self-interest versus actual evil. I'm not sure the

And if pressed on it, they would claim, "It's just words, I don't mean it, don't be so thin-skinned."

That is the Daddiest of Dad Jokes. So, I can't hate it. I do wonder about his delivery, though.