
Nah. Massachusetts or Pennsylvania are more likely.

Cool, thank you.

Good heavens, she's adorbs.

I need to start working on my presentation, y'all.

I had the C25K training app on my phone, but I ended up using the Run, Zombies 5K training app instead, and I found it was fun and distracting enough to keep at it, even when I couldn't quite do everything I was supposed to do the first week or two.

I may or may not be in a position to figure out some prioritization - do I want to be back in Cali, closer to family, friends, comforting institutions, Cuban food, etc.? Or, do I want to reach for the highest of my professional goals, even if that takes me to the East Coast or Midwest (I've never spent more than 6

I made bison chili, but there was too much bitterness for me. Not sure if it was the stout I used, the beef broth I didn't use (I used chicken broth) or the relative lack of fat in the meat, but it missed the sweet spot.

That sounds so good, but this is my exercise night, so I may need to talk the Geek into grocery market rotisserie chicken.

"S.O.B." is such a fun, wicked song — and I just can't grok how it was chosen to help sell Lipton Tea. Have fun!

Not playing anything interesting in the immediate future, not even a new hidden object game from Big Fish.


Never back to front, especially for girls.

Ugh. Sympathies.

Congrats to your wife on losing weight, and good luck on finding a new, responsive doc.

PowerFemme? GynoPower?

Studies have been done, and philatelists get over-excited by boob windows.

It may be too soon to say, but nice casting on Nicolaj. Adorable, and seems to have chemistry with both La Truglio and Samberg. Here's hoping Peralta leans into becoming "Uncle Jake" and starts calling him 'Nicky' - that boy needs a regular nickname something fierce if it's going to overcome being a Boyle.

I think that's the point - Boyle is going The Full Boyle on his new son, and conspicuously mispronouncing his name is such a Boyle thing to do.

From when Winston & Nick remember giving the last of their money to the subway drummer to Boyle and Nicolaj showing up in time for the Evel Knevel jump by Nick — I found the subway antics just a touch too cringey for me, but then again, it's not like I know the characters that well (yes, I'm an interloper from the B99)

Ewww. Now I'm offended on behalf of Mr. Czuchry and the rest of the cast and crew of The Good Wife.