
I'm not sure if the return of Spy Magazine is worth having Donald J. Trump as a presidential candidate, but I suppose every F5 tornado has its silver lining.

I thought Might Magazine (co-founded by Dave Eggers) was trying to be the Gen X New Yorker.

Hey, now, given Benioff & Weiss some credit. It's not like they're Joss Whedon.

I am torn. I've known about WikiLeaks since 2008 (when EFF & the ACLU went to bat in federal court after a Cayman Islands bank filed injunctions against it and its sitehost to lock up the domain). I think it's been involved in some very useful efforts to expose very ugly, very dirty secrets about banking systems,

I was just about to admonish Evil Lincoln for not including "young King Arthur as a frat bro princeling in Merlin".

calming the Hulk with an adorable lady squirrel offering him a peanut.

After you're done reading it … the third time.


or the simple fact that the content moderators all applied for the job,
unlike Lucifer, who got his job in Hell as punishment from God.

I loved that show. Was bereft when Jon-Erik Hexum died.

I was unlikely to watch this, anyway, but the New York Times TV critic pretty much savaged this. Not sure who's right in this case …

1) I attended Geek Girl Con, where there were a lot of geeks, including Anita Sarkeesian - she is tiny short. The con was pretty fun, although I tackled it mostly as a relax-a-con (didn't do much of the programming, just wandered around and soaked the general vibe). Now that I think about it - there were a lot of

So, there's one joint here (Seattle) that does Nashville Hot Chicken, but it's out near Boeing Field and only open after 4 pm every other Tuesday after a full moon. Has anyone tried the KFC version?

I laughed so hard, my finger slipped and I accidentally downvoted you.

OTOH, it's also a centuries-old 300-year-old Irish vampire, gave his son one of the faddiest late nineties/early aughts names a male Irish name popular some 300-odd years ago.

This sounds intriguing enough to make it the first Atwood I will have read* - I need to get the rest of the Hogarth Shakespeare series, for that matter.

7 pm here on the West Coast was still smack in the middle of the Presidential debate. It looks like there was a second Simpsons ep at 9 here, which should have been the Halloween of Horrors ep, so maybe the new ep aired then - and my Tivo completely missed, so I'm still disgruntled.

Given that Sweeney Todd is pretty much gothic horror with quasi-humourous touches, I think he should lean into old-fashioned horror. His natural tendencies will leaven it with whimsy and humour, but a strong story anchored in darker tones may keep him for spinning out too far. A adaptation of Poe, perhaps, or maybe

As someone who never heard of this before: is she funny? Is she pithy? Incisive? She sounds concise, perhaps even terse, with generous dollops of tough love. But is she worth reading?