
What are your sources?

I missed the news about the lawsuit over Timeless. I also missed that Ben Edlund is a writer on Timeless - knowing that might have made me keep it off my list. Not that I believe NBC audiences will be well-disposed towards a time-travel series, even a well-written, well-acted one (and who knows if it has those

It's been a long time, and it was a short while, so I don't know how much I can add, but sure, I'm up for a talk.

Which was … 6 weeks ago.

He'll always be Captain Wentworth to me. *pours a 40 out for Persuasion*

Apparently, there's no one type of dough for hamentaschen: one can use cookie dough or a yeasty/less sugared dough.

Two late-middle-aged Brits who aren't quite conventionally handsome but have curious charisma and sonorous voices, while in Victorian wear?

Given the dearth of Jewish delis here in Seattle, I was rhapsodic over the deli counter at Reading Terminal. Went there 3 times in a 5-day trip AND brought apple cake home.

I actually like Montreal smoked meat better than pastrami. That said, lean smoked meat is even more flavourless than lean pastrami …

You know, it was only this year when I learned that there are two ways to make hamentaschen … which explains why I had such different reactions when I first tried it on the West Coast, then the East Coast.

I found a font package that made the lettering look like it was written back in 1789. I think it was called Versailles.

I think they should go for the full Mani-Pedi.

Funny you mentioned that. There's been a spate of complaints this summer, of people saying that their drinks have been drugged while out at local bars here in Seattle. http://www.thestranger.com/…

I once found a government document … from the Dept. of Justice, if I remember correctly, that was entirely in Comic Sans.

You could/can work in California under the age of 16 with a teen work permit. My first summer job was at the age of 15, working for LA County at a daycamp for developmentally impaired kids.

I thought the show was actually satirizing Drake, but didn't want to get sued to oblivion.

Fascinating! I briefly worked at the Internet Archive, and RoIO was (and may still be) the basis for the music section of IA. The generosity and persnicketyness of the trader community was a thing to behold and treasure.

Progress is wonderful!