
15 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the elliptical. Not enough, but something. With walking during and after work, over 10K steps.

*exploding fist-bump* *hug*

I'm rather frustrated with professional and personal goals right now, and I find myself wondering if I'm prioritizing the right things.

Happy birthday!

Oakland and Berkeley …

Ya mean bootlegs?

Man, The Initiation of Sarah and Phantasm (yes, it aired on free TV back in the early 80s) just wrecked me as a kid/pre-teen.

I saw and printed the Orange Beef recipe. I think I'll also follow the comments about halving the soy sauce & sugar — if I ever get the nerve to try making it.

Haven't cooked much due to lack of energy *curses her uterus*, but last week, I directed the Geek to make some brown basamati rice. Decent flavour, although VERY sticky once it gets cold. I'll have to play around with that when I get to cooking again.

How about a scalp massage?

A 55-gallon drum?

Have you heard of Western Washington?

That's a hooray?

Bless you, this never gets old for me.

Happy birthday!

The original is a very good movie, but I was not at all prepared for the bleakness and nihilism. I'm not sure I'll ever watch the original again, even as the remake has turned into basic cable stop-to-watch-this-mid-stream guilty pleasure.

Phenomenon - I was still grieving and sensitive over a friend's death, and for whatever reason, the movie's treacliness just pushed me over the edge.

Plessy v. Ferguson

Finally, a question was answered tonight that I had wondered about lo these many months, thanks to Frontline:

Addams Family is a classic fave of mine. Even though the flippers tend to wear down all-too-easily.