

Sean? Sean Parker?? This is what you're doing after Napster folded?

I've worn my wedding dress 3 times (only once to a wedding, mind you). Once to do a run into a swimming pool. It's mine! I can do with it what I want! What I really want to do is get it dyed/airbrushed with huge bloodstains and make it a Halloween costume - but synthetic taffetta is surprisingly resistant to stains

Apparently, the chicken wings at my immediately-following-the-wedding reception were amazing, but I don't think I sampled a one. I made sure to have some cake, though.

Fired? Crap. Sympathies. Although … congrats on getting rehired by the people that fired you?

We couldn't find figures small enough for the actual wedding cake, but when friends threw us a separate reception, the cake was framed by Morpheus and Trinity action figures bought at San Diego Comic Com (sadly, my last visit).

Exactly. Lean in


But what accent will he be using?

I dunno … have you seen the Father Brown mysteries on PBS? They should be in my wheelhouse, and yet, they don't hook me.

I'll be in Prague, at an Internet conference … so, Unsexy Professor? Oh, I'll need fake glasses …

Throw in movie, musical and classical music. Sweeney Todd, Into the Woods, Wicked, the Jaws theme, Tubular Bells, Bach's Toccata in Fugue, Night on Bald Mountain Saint-Saens Danse Macabre, Op. 40. Also, look for Halloween-themed mash-ups (there are TONS), and even if you don't like mash-ups, the originals may give you

I have the small Bride/Creature tote that I use as a lunch bag.

Will there be a similar article for Freeform's October scheduling? Will Freeform do Halloween-related October scheduling?

Nah. L.A. has Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Which remain open until 2 am, or at least the one in Hollywood does.

What era of machines?

The whole 'cybering' thing made me want to roll around on the floor. I imagined groups where half of the audience suddenly made rude noises, and the other half has cluelessly indignant that people would be laughing at such a heavy topic as 'cybering'.

It wasn't even 'best temperament' that got me.

That has been the recent trend, yes - past seasons have started in mid to late October.

Already? Yay!