
No, but thank you for trying.


So, as a brand new red wine drinker …

I hope to have lots of soups in my future. Last night, I roasted the heck out of two sweet potatoes, but was too tired eat one. Tonight, at least one will be warmed up, split, with some butter and some syrup or honey.

Looking good health-wise. Looking poor career-wise. No bites. No nibbles. No word. No nothing.

Deep breaths. You can do this. It's scary and all too easy to put it aside, but doing it will help you in the long run — likely the medium run — maybe even the short run (but don't quote me).

10K! Why did I do a 10K?? Definitely was more than twice as hard as a 5K. That said, if the lungs continue cooperating, I might do the annual Thanksgiving 5K in my neighbourhood.

Bah humbug! If you did it, you earned it! It's not like Sasquatch carried you halfway.

*pokes you* I miss your newsletter.


I have a chunk of 10 year old comics I really should read. Really.

How is it as a standalone?

I'm totally bored with the diet and starting to miss having interesting lunch options … BUT:

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!!

Sisters! I loved that show. Watched it for Swoosie Kurtz, stayed for Sela Ward.

About 20 minutes after I deleted the ep from my Tivo, I regretted deleting the ep from my Tivo because I wanted to go back and see if there were other clues about the twist.

Ella’s very quirky right off the bat

No cheese!

I briefly heard the siren call of frozen waffles yesterday, but I managed to resist. If I come close to succumbing, perhaps I'll go for the Krusteaz.