
My last seasons of hate-watching OG CSI devolved to this: seeing whether anyone on the show made any positive improvements and had any personal growth in their lives. Over a decade went by, and only two characters got married (and to each other)? No one had kids while at the job. People stopped dating, no one had

Warchalking by bus?


Something something 'dankest of memes'.

Wait … they killed off Nigel-Murray???

If that rich guilty character is played by Dylan Baker, it'll be The Good Wife all over again. Which may not be the worst thing to happen on this show.

In the pilot, said defendant is Brendan Peters, a Pete Wentz-looking
party boy who has allegedly killed Alyssa Yang, a straight-A student who
also happens to be dealing fake crystal meth.

Yeah, he was surprisingly charming in Hitch. Enough that I want to defend him, but not enough to watch his other films.

It was BtB, and it was pouring .. until about 9:50. The rain was light at the start-time for the 10K, and stopped by 11. Every once in a while, a good breeze would shake the treetops and send down a slow shower of dying leaves. Oh, and a deer crossed the the horse trail part of the route and leaped into a fenced-off

So, why Trump?

I usually hate reality shows, but sign me up for this.

And she was wonderful.

Like a King Salmon to the Slaughter?

Young Frankenstein. What more needs to be said?

I walked a 10K. And skinned both of my heels due to bad socks. Honestly, it was a very silly thing to do, although I'm glad I did it. I think I'll largely stick to 5Ks, unless I get in better shape.

What part of 're-casting a role' do they not understand? Does Michael Gambon need to sit them down for a talk?

There was a second Cupid? Hold the phone … really?

Sky High is a blast.


Bitter Moon might be my #2 example. I had the distinct impression of expecting updated Noel Coward - which is how it started. How it ended, though …