
There has been some - I stumbled upon a bit from various historian blogs and articles.

Ask Clive Bundy and the Burning Man organizers.

When I was a teen, the library across the street from high school, as well as the branch near my house, had paperback collections of Mad Magazine. By the late 80s, it was mostly stuff from the mid-60s to mid-70s - still making fun of musicals and lots of Vietnam jokes. It was bliss.

My aunt is awesome, but for a school teacher (and a devout Catholic), she had odd tastes in what she let us kids watch. Like, RoboCop II and Harlem Nights.

This! Thank you! Because I know I've seen Wolfen, but nothing of the plot described above resonated with me.

I remember Reform School Girls. There's only two problems I had with the movie:

I don't know if I'll see this film in the theatres … cable, maybe. But amen on the first Bourne being best. Greengrass hasn't been a disappointment, but Doug Liman did such a stellar job in making The Bourne Identity snap and pop and connect. It was smart and thrilling, and the characters had some personality and

I'm big into fairy tales - so much, I've read books about fairy tales. 'Animal bridegroom' is a type of classification for all sorts of stories - even Cupid and Psyche from Greek mythology falls under the rubric.

But what of me, a Democrat wishing some necromancer would bring Sen. Paul Wellstone back from the great beyond so that he can run for President?

Well, hmph!

Greta Garbo agreed with you, so I don't know how much of a mic-drop your statement is.

TOS: Spock
TAS: Uhura (remember animated Star Trek? No? Just me? Okay)
TNG: Data (yes, I had a crush on the character … or the actor … maybe both)

Just chiming in to:

Not sure I'd have it with ham, but there's a food truck that does lamb sliders with sweet chili sauce and peanut butter that I just go crazy over.

"S.O.B." is such a fun & wicked song - I really should dig into the rest of their stuff. Any recommendations for albums/songs?

Woo hoo!

My blood pressure has been climbing and making me feel nauseous and bilious and blah and achy and even numb in my extremities. What's worse, the blood pressure meds I was on actually kept me from exercising due to bronchial side effects.

Oh, that sucks mightily, in all the wrong ways. Sympathies.

I understand how you feel, but I'd put real money on betting that Michelle Obama is so extremely grateful for the 22nd Amendment right now.

So, funny story - while in grad school, when I worked as a grad assistant in the department offices, there was a scabies outbreak on the floor. The anxiety over possibly getting scabies made the eczema on my hands flare up so badly — I thought I had scabies.