
Are you all safe up there? Are the kids dealing with the smoke okay? Hope your nephew heals up quickly.



I was into the first two seasons of MadTV - David Herman, Phil LaMarr, Debra Jones, Nicole Sullivan, Orlando Jones, Will Sasso, Alex Borstein were funny, even hilarious at times. But of the show itself, what I remember most are things like the band Corky & the Juice Pigs and the stop-motion animated film mash-ups that

*Orson Welles clap* This.

Oh, that really, really sucks. I'm so sorry.

Interesting, although I was expecting a much deeper article. I watched gymnastics as a kid, and will not necessarily change the channel if I catch it on TV. I've heard a bit about the sexual abuse, a lot about the body issues and attempts to retard adult (re: sexual) development in teen gymnasts. But how widespread

Glad to see Underground here, surprised not to see Lucifer, given the 'this has gone from hatewatch to realwatch, y'all' tones of the last few reviews of S1.


Between this and Verizon buying Yahoo (and Flickr), perhaps I should think about considering opening an Instagram account.


Star Trek: Beyond.



I just dropped in to say hi to Scrawler. Hi, Scrawler! *enthusiastic wave*

Okay, Ezra Miller made me laugh out loud. Twice. I'll wait until the reviews come out, though.

I will agree with you. The final third of Jackson's King Kong was engrossing. The first third was schmaltzy and strung out, and the middle third was boring until there was action, and even then, the grossness was laid on a bit thick and the pacing was slow.

How has this not aired on Svengoolie? I wants it, give it to me.

Long-delayed PTSD, man.