
Didn't she get her own special medical vessel in the future version of "All Good Things"?

Maybe I would have watched more eps if it had.

Pretty much this. I'd say that Picard had the most universe-ranging impact (Borg, Q, numerous temporal anomalies), but Sisko had the hardest, most complex job, as a captain, and nailed it.

You're amazing.

but we have no idea why she has this stuff or where she got it. She was
captured at one point; did she have all this trap technology with her
when she was imprisoned? If not, how did she get it?

This doesn't belong here, but I'm putting it here anyway.

I would have sworn that Guy Ritchie had already done a King Arthur movie, but no, it was Antoine Fuqua.

Now I'm having evil thoughts about him and Tom Mison. Thank you, Agog.

I find that the curious thing about this week is that I have a small measure of sympathy for Trump (for wanting so very very desperately to be liked and respected that he cannot help but to abase himself) and a tiny measure of admiration for Cruz (in not kowtowing to the man whose actions and those of his supporters

My Geek wanted to live-tweet Trump's speech, and I actually wanted to hear what Ivanka could possibly say to make Trump look feminist. I don't regret watching, if only to see and hear what resonated with the crowd (and thus will become the taglines for the next 2 weeks or so).

Cigarette, baby … what's good?

Nightfall was really good.

Awww. Thank you!

Thank you, Molly. Thank you, A.V. Club editors.

So insufferable.

I'd apply, but I'm going to see Weird Al the next day … and, you know, Weird Al!

I've lost my notifications again. *sigh*

Just how many crevices do you have, dear? And don't forget to throw in 'spelunking' somewhere. Or at the very least, 'delving'.

-Gary, Wyatt, Chet, and Deb are characters from what film?
Weird Science
