
My oil change place had the Game Show Network on last time I was in there. I didn't realize I was dodging a bullet, but then again, my neighbourhood went heavily towards Bernie Sanders in the caucus.

This is a plea:


I couldn't even last 3 minutes on MSNBC last night, so I missed the whole Steve King thing.

I liked him better in the Army uniform from F Troop.

Twitter is how I keep up with new stuff about copyright law, open access within academia, new steampunk art and bands, new works by favourite authors and journalists, and fellow fans of the show Underground. And I know some cool indie authors who promote their books via Facebook. It's not all toxic garbage & tire fire.

I just saw it in a book store and got it - bright yellow, hard cover but no dust jacket.

Dang it. Now I can't see my notifications. Are others still being afflicted with this?

It's something your grandpa used to wear on his belt. Something about witches …

I did not need to see that header image. I know it's just Photoshop, but still.

Does she really? Do we know why?

I betcha HBO is working on a sequel to Game Change as we speak. Er, type.

F*ck Feelings - by Michael and Sarah Bennett (father's a psychiatrist, daughter's a writer). The message so far is - nope, you're not going to be cured, of your depression, your social anxiety, your anger issues, your procrastination. But, you can learn to cope and get out of your own way so that you can do the things

Well, your cogent thoughts have obliterated my whirly-squirrelly vague suspicions that this was an operation by Erdogan and/or his allies to crack down and wipe away institutional critics in military and judiciary, and to get the country, even the parts that vehemently dislike him, to rally around his presidency.

Join the Shriners!

I excluded them because, at least until recently, they made bank, or at least broke even, from the waste.

I'm looking at my cable listings (Comcast), and it's listing the 1955 short. Also, TCM always-always-always starts its weekday primetime slot at 8 pm EST (5 pm PST). So, they wouldn't tend to program a item at 4:30/7:30 if it's going to last longer than 30 minutes.

Stay strong, little one.