
There are rare occasions that, between the cable channel, the cable company, and the DVR company, the wrong movie with the right name is listed.

It's a way to show that the party's ducks are all in a row and they're ready to do this.
It's a vestigal part of the political process, from a time when Presidential candidates really were chosen by fatcats in smoke-filled back rooms while crony-delegates partied for several days.
It's the pageantry and majesty of the

gravlax benedict

I am surprised one does not hear more about such injuries, because TR has been doing the coal walking thing for decades.

Yes, Santa Clara, CA is full of bloodsuckers, but that's just because of the law school - they aren't actual vampires.

One of the things I miss about the Bay Area, despite actually living in the armpit of the East Bay (Really! Geograhically speaking), is being able to jump in my ratty car, drive hell-for-leather over the mountains and be in Santa Cruz in an hour (weekday, non-rush hour traffic). I also miss the sourdough pancakes at

Irène Jacob has virtually disappeared from American cinemas since the death of Kieslowski, which is a darned shame. She is luminous yet relatable in Red (NOT the action flick).


The optimal choice, yes, but Jack Coleman did not embarrass himself as Stephen King's alter ego in that blink-&-you'll-miss show, Kingdom Hospital.

Unless they are in IT.


That movie! That's the first movie I viscerally hated without any regret!

Even when 30 feet tall with the body of a ballerina?

You've seen that Real Sex episode with the clown fetishists?

Plump, kissable clown lips—oh so kissable

Until you spend 5 hours trying to get all of the glitter off of the cat.

You're just husky, dear.

That scream you just heard? That was my Geek yelping after hearing this news. Mind you, I don't know if that was a yelp of joy

Nah, Utilikilts are knee-grazing, if not knee-covering.

Finally!! Hosanna!