
The Wire

Various reasons.


I added to and rewrote some copy to be used at a virtual build for Relay for Life in Second Life this weekend. I know, minor, but it's writing, and I got it done, so yay me.

Is it big enough that I should just wait for the newswire for it?

So, does the movie not address the 'walking on burning coals' deal? Isn't that what his seminars are best known for? And yes, he still does it: http://abcnews.go.com/Enter…

I remember, oh so far away in time (say, the early 90s) when he was considered a cult leader by some, just of a secular cult of prosperity.

It's skirt. A skirt with wonderful, delicious pockets. If a guy wants to call it a kilt, have it, but the pockets need to spread to women's clothing.

For a stick of highly addictive chemicals, tar and other carcinogens, you are awfully cute.

*sheepishly raises her hand, because no one else will*

People have been taking ill-advised photos at solemn monuments for ages. First thing I saw while visiting Dachau was a Japanese family taking a happy tourist photo under the "Arbeit Macht Frei" gate leading to the camp and this was a decade ago.

OTOH, the Feed Your Head cover that was used in the movie is pretty cool. And, that's all I got. Oh, wait … Scott Glenn covered several mortgage and car payments with his paycheck from Sucker Punch. THAT'S all I got.

I'd watch that show.

There is a department in the Ministry of Magic devoted to preventing muggle tech from being used (or worse, ensorcelled without authorization) by those in the wizarding world. And most wizards see magic (and magic users) being superior to tech (and tech users).

Happy birthday, handsome!

Is there an approach to muggle tech? It seemed pretty inconsistent in the original novels.

I remember reading (but not buying) the little Chick tracts at my nearby Christian bookstore when I was a teen. Those were odd and so over-wrought as to be funny. However, it was the full-sized, four-colour comic books that were the most anti-Catholic material: priest-nun orgies, assassination of world leaders (such

I agree with you on IV. He seems to have wide-ranging tastes and seems to know and appreciate the difference between a good movie and a fun movie. And when he reaches into his Magic Bag of Sick Burns … so good.

I think criticism is a personal thinking, and how one reacts to and chooses what art to engage with is a personal thing, so not liking a particular critic is cool - sometimes, it's a clash of taste, sometimes, it's a matter of expression (for instance, Mike D'Angelo may be a brilliant film critic, but his reviews,