
Yay! Sounds fun.

Yeah, he's After-After Earth now.

Anatomy of a Mummy

Mel Brooks dies in Heartburn? Curious.

You're adorable!


I'm sorry, but you won't be in the room where it happens.


MSNBC is reporting that the stand-off between police and one of the shooters in a garage has been neutralized. No word on the status of that suspect. No names or descriptions have been given of the suspects, except for that one person of interest who may have been misidentified.

Missiles! Aerospace! Tacos!

You want to know what the NRA has to say? This:

But see, now you're thinking about it …

So, I'm weird and stodgy, but the trailer had me somewhat amused (and I do like Wedding Crashers, so there's that), up until one of the brothers … well, the ATV thing in the trailer. Broke my suspension of disbelief, filled me with a murderous rage, made me hope that the brothers, if not their dates, were forcibly

Desperation, hubris, loss of nerve?

But do the kids freak out when they see black or Asian-American people?

*has flashbacks, cringes for the rest of the day*

I think I need a cigarette after reading this. And careful, I.V., you may end up getting blurbed!

Robert Mapplethorpe would weep. Perhaps out of joy, I don't know. Just please watch out for the kung fu grip irritating your prostate.

L.A.’s growing punk scene was home to many bands including The Germs, The Gun Club, and The Go-Go’s, among others

La Bamba is a fine song that was vastly over-played, but Los Lobos has so much more to offer.