
Let's give him a day.

So, if I've never seen a Refn film (because I live under a rock), should Neon Demon be my first one?

I can see Val Kilmer playing him in a movie.

Walder Frey is totally a Leave guy.

So many to choose from. But as I still have a crush on him: Blue Beetle, Ted Kord version. Smart, brave, insecure, goofy.

The only movies I've seen her in are Spy Kids 1 & 2, Watchmen and Sin City. Her TV work, however, is what really makes me a fan. Karen Sisco was fun, and Threshold was gutted way before its time.

It truly can be two things: 'Rich elites playing on the lower classes' racism and using the emotional draw of self-determination to advance their own agenda of being able to keep owning humans as chattel.'

I'm surprised (and happily so) that Chris Hayes is managing to hang on, but yeah, burning MHP like that was not cool.

Mine are, in no particular order:

Are you saying she's the 21st century Marion Davies? Does that make Ryan Reynolds her H. Randolph Hearst?

HBO if it's available, since I'm no longer subscribing. If not, a bunch of Law and Order eps will soothe any homesickness.


At Lupin Addams' recommendation, I started reading Warren Ellis' tweets, and he commented on one of Lohan's tweets. Her point was convoluted, but he wasn't derisive.

Kill it with fire!

Good, you distract them, I'm going to go hide.

Welcome back, Mrs. Dallas.

Top 5, for me, but given how many themes there have been, that's still something.

Another Period's last review was this week, according to LaToya.

His tweet announcing the closing of StarWipe said he'd return to the AV Club, after taking some time off to spend with his kids.

I wondered how much of Charlie was based on Cole's stand-up. Sounds worth watching.