
Danke schoen.

@warrenellis had some bitterly fabulous reactions on his Twitter (BTW - Twitter's existence is justified by being able to see Warren Ellis be bitterly fabulous). When he wakes, I suspect there will amazingly caustic and funny tweets which I'll feel guilty about laughing over.

You're just a house divided, Singulatarian. But I bet you have a fascinating collection of whiskeys.

I only know him from O Death … but that floored me. Still does. Thank you and rest in peace, Mr. Stanley.

We need a Brexit post to help process this.

If I was still in the Bay Area, I would totally know who to dragoon into seeing this with me. And then I'd invite you!

Awww. The reviews here have been fun. Thanks, LaToya!

It's pretty bad when the newspaper that made Dan Savage famous and the local arts monthly can't shut up about the Seahawks.

It's not that I don't want to see this. It's that I can't see this alone, I need to go with a group of rowdy friends who will spend the entire night drinking, laughing and deconstructing the movie, half in laughter, half in horror, until we all go to sleep and have weird dreams about the movie.

You mean, like Dentyne, the worst-tasting chewing gum in the western world?

That any of your cousins would recognize a post by Power Girl or Anti-Monitor as being one of their cousins is where I'm stuck.

Are we not using "Phrasing?!" anymore?

When Sonic comes to the West Coast, we'll talk about its credentials.

I remember when 'gastro-pub' was code for 'we clean out our grease pits more than twice a year'. Those were the days …

Thank you for letting me know. Dang it.

An album from a group that I heard on, of all things, Empire. The Last Days of Oakland by Fantastic Negrito. Bluesy, stomping, shaking goodness to my ears.

I think Archer Vice was generally fun, but too much unrestrained Pam and Cheryl/Cherylline got old and repetitive for me.

No writing. But one of the audio plays I auditioned for a while ago has revved up, with two read-throughs and one line-by-line rehearsal done. Another rehearsal tonight, then recording on Sunday. I'm happily surprised I'm not getting more notes, but I know I need to broaden my vocal range (I'm playing a woman on her

I haven't started it yet, but once I'm through with the play script, I plan to read Be Bad First by Erika Andersen. One of those network/management guru types, but she made a fabulous speech at a corporate librarians conference about how to stay an active learner that address things like the commentary track going on

Paris is so much fun. Glad you made it without missing your connection!