
I, too, thought of Mr. Nancy as an elderly gentleman when I read the book. Although I also pictured him as small, spare and nattily attired, so my perfect casting would have been Scatman Crothers. That said, no complaints about Mr. Jones.

He's pretty funny in that single scene of his in Office Space.

Well, there goes my crush on Tom Hiddleston. It's been nice, Mr. Hiddleston, but no ginger rum cake for you, my lad.

LaToya, we love you.



Is that the one with Crusher and her great-great-grandmother's ghost lover?


Oh, that's easy: The Witching Hour by Anne Rice. It was pressed upon me by a friend that I had such a crush on (we never hooked up).

There has to be a Rihanna cameo.

She would be perfect as the gallery owner! Yes!

Is THAT where Adam Sandler got the idea from??

Please let Ellen Barkin have a small role. PLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEEE.

Something something hyperloop?

Drop bears, horrid Aussie accents, being called 'Aussie', English superiority complexes, people obsessed about ancestry, Mormons (see above) and Amber Heard.

Flip side is, it also works as a stellar sounding supervillain name.

*drops and yells Earl*

Just looking at the header image, Daniel Radcliffe looks like a tech billionaire (European version). I can tell by his beard that he believes in The Singularity. It's like Harry Potter actually read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

I love you all.

A friend of mine is a retired substitute teacher in OH, and he gets shirty when he hears about kids not learning how to write in cursive. There are claims it has specific benefits, besides knowing how to sign a check: http://neatoday.org/2013/07…