
And such lovely penmanship, too.


It's that American cable channel that airs Murdoch's Mysteries under another name.

I am starting to worry about Alexa. Maybe she's ill or otherwise unable to file the review?

Now I'm trying to imagine an Amish interracial romance.

Believe it or not, there's always been sub-genres of romance where there is never a sex scene between the hero and heroine. Christian/Inspirational romances fall squarely in this, and there's even Amish romance (not written by actual, practicing Amish, obviously).

The thinkpieces were years ago. Now, there's just snarky asides in most mainstream articles that mention the romance publishing industry.

Good. Honestly, we have enough of those types of thinkpieces (if you replace 'entitled' with 'delusional and horny and pathetic').

The water bottle trick:

That really was lovely. I feared the worst - that Samaritan had recruited former Numbers to further destabilize and demoralize Team Machine.

First time I heard "Some Velvet Morning", I was convinced it was from a lost episode of Star Trek where Kirk and the away team ingest massive hallucinogens and have to fight off swarms of bisexual cowboys and deadly female flower children with alien technology.

Have you tried the water/soda bottle trick for separating eggs?

Last night was a very simple chicken and pasta with pesto. Sauteed the chicken myself, and managed not to over or undercook it.

My Geek is back from Spain!

Yay!!!! Congratulations!!

Okay, the beard is definitely giving him lollipop proportions and throwing me off. But - his legs look kinda thin? Maybe it's just the pants. I dunno. Weird. Good on him for exercising to his heart's content, though.

Definitely the beard.

I am … shocked, really. Also, I'm guessing Comcast carries CMT, but I'm going to have to look up which channel it is that I switched off to streamline my channel surfing.

*swoons at the thought of Chris Evans in Passion*
