
I had such a crush on Peter when I was … 7? Loved watching this show in syndication.

Mmmm, I like DJ Schmolli. Thank you.

Not just 80s children. I grew up in the 70s, and outside of network TV, much of my TV comsumption was of things 5-40 years before: Popeye cartoons, Our Gang and Three Stooges shorts, Hammer films and kung-fu movies, screwball comedies and 25 years of Bob Hope films. Heck, I had no idea that when I was watching The

Absolutely. Stewart co-starred with one of his favourite leading ladies, Margaret Sullavan, and they are wonderful, whether pitching woo or throwing immense shade at each other.

Old school: Holiday with Hepburn and Grant
Modern: Ever After

This is how I feel about The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover & Pan's Labyrinth. Happy to have seen them once, never again, thank you.

My Twitter feeds consist of 1) lawyers, privacy geeks and librarians; 2) steampunks and Bruce Campbell; and 3) romance authors and black feminist nerds. It's all pretty chill and informative, when I have the time to check on any stream.

You mean me. And yes, I know about that fight.

Yeah, but he certainly brought the same brazen swagger and charm of Steele to the Tom Crown Affair remake, so I don't begrudge him most of his movies. Although there was one in the 90s that might have been my most-hated movie until I saw Battlefield Earth

I think whatever disbelief or snark exists in the article is not directed AT Hannigan, but rather that after anchoring 2 successful shows so recently, her next show is on the network that is seen as a place where older and less in-demand actors extend their career with non-challenging, critic-ignored, nostalgia-tinged


Is that a high-five? It looks more like, "Ali, you wouldn't hit a man with glasses, would you??"

Thank you, dear.

This should go in the appropriate ep review - but I won't. But I just learned that ShotSeeker isn't NearTech, it's NowTech and due to be rolled out in my city: http://www.thestranger.com/…

Actually, my bad - I got Pierce Bros. confused with Forest Lawn.

That's the French term for Yelpers?

Westwood Village? Didn't that used to be part of The Valley?

You are not alone.

Actually, Kirkman likely has a strong case. Trademark law doesn't function like copyright law. "The Walking Dead" may have pre-existing uses, which makes it a weaker mark, but given that it's now used as a recognizable brand name to a specific set of products from an individual owner, it may be protectable under

There is common use and there is the standard for trademarks, "use in commerce". A phrase can pre-exist its commercial usage and even be uncopyrightable, but if it is used consistently, in commerce, to identify a set of goods and services, with a valid registration and continued use and enforcement - yes, a previously