
Restauranteurs are people who own (or invest in) restaurants, but can't cook an egg if you gave them a pot of water and a stove with burners on top. Or, chefs with so many restaurants under their aegis, they couldn't cook in each of them if you gave them all day.

Scrapie did. So, it's all the sheep's fault. Dead Alive wasn't completely wrong …


Like Ayesha, he has blonde hair and can do pretty much anything

That's why I couldn't find it when I looked for it Saturday night! Silly woman.

Since "The Day The World Went Away" won't post until early this morning …

Is that Halberstam the one on the architects of the Vietnam war?

Is that pre-Excalibur/I, Claudius Stewart?

Ssssh! You're being watched …

Steer clear of that Tasmanian Tiger business for now. It's a honey pot set by Samaritan to make potential threats expose themselves! Don't fall for it!

Pop culture? Spent Saturday at a music festival, mostly watching and listening to live tango music and dance. Went back to Monday for a bunch of live gospel choirs.



What can I say, Seattle's a weird, weird town.

That's the lesson you took from Ghost World?

I agree with you, but I'm not sure the rest of the viewing public does? I mean, his last really critically acclaimed role was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and he still had to do some of the costumed weirdo thing for that. And his other serious roles in non-fantasy movies have tended to tank/leave people cold: The

Nothing to do with Game of Thrones, but I think Isaac Hempstead Wright looks like a perfect teen Spock. Whoever's working on the next Star Trek movie needs to get on that.

He really was a father figure to Juliette, and they had a solid relationship.

Glen is skinnier and has more of the hang-dog expression, as appropriate for having to deal with Juliette for the last 15 years or so.