
That Elton John cameo was weird.

I'm not sure I needed that visual, but I'm in the minority, so go ahead and have an upvote.

Ah! Thank you!

Commenting as a reminder to listen to at home.

Says the pony with the bowl of pudding on its head.

I'm sorry none of the Hawkins show up on this list, but it's a great start.

5 years may be cutting it too fine. But the issue here is slightly related to the orphan works problem: For every work that is vigorously protected by a known owner, there is a significant number of works that are trapped in limbo because they are orphaned - the rights are either impossible or prohibitively difficult

Nothing but happy slaves.


Waiting on tetherhooks for last night's ep.

Isn't Prime Minister Trudeau Québécois?

Dang it, you've made me homesick! Echo Park …

As far as I can tell (and I need to find my ballot tonight … or do I?), it is purely a Presidential primary. No other offices or referenda are included.

I don't watch the show as much as I'd like, and while I read various recaps and reviews - feel free to take this with a grain of Himalayan pink salt.

So, really, the primaries on both sides of the aisle here in Washington are pretty useless. As mentioned, the Democrats first decided back in late March (although the tiered caucus system allows for people to switch sides, so there's no telling what will happen at the state convention next month, but sure as shooting,

I could actually see this working if it was a Stephen Chow flick.

You don't know your own strength.

I'll give you the Dead Zone, but I strenuously, virulently object to Thinner.

Yes! That was my Friday night! So fun.

Bad A.V. Club!