
Lesley Nicol in chef's whites, complaining about plating in her Mrs. Patmore voice. That was all the meta that I needed.

I had 50/50 odds on it being Rhys or Margot, until Agt. Clark said the tipper was a woman.

I admit, I thought Ben made out with Ali in front of Reggie because he thought Reg would be on his side. Even if Reg wasn't, I'm surprised Ben wasn't more surprised and hurt..

There are times when I go to the movies with my rose-coloured glasses drilled onto my head, to the extent that if I expect to like a movie, I will enjoy it, and talk myself into saying it was good.

I confess, it's in my wheelhouse, and I'm not sure there's much else to watch on Sunday night.

I feel like this is the finale that matches the bubbliness of the first ep — but it doesn't fit the middle of the show, or even up to the penultimate hour. These aren't just glamorous grifters and wily PIs, these are murderous criminals with a not-insignificant and growing blood trail versus people emotionally and

He's no Tom Hiddleston, but he's not UNattractive. Slightly above average at most, but I'd dig him if I knew him as a regular guy (as I do like tall, solidly built dark-haired men).

Ah, gotcha. Whippersnapper! *waves her cane in your direction*

I haven't read that, but I'll give you that. I'll also accept The Dead Zone.

It was wunderbar …

She was great in Life, opposite Damien Lewis.

A Stephen King work with a decent, even cool ending? Come on, how often does that happen??

Young me also apparently believed (at least subconsciously) that you had to be a Diff’rent Strokes person or a Good Times person, and I chose the former.

I think I agree with you. I haven't watched the video yet, but assuming the 7-minute long rant did not include any bleeps, then I have to think it was not truly stream of consciousness or uncontrolled mania.

Why are aglets evil/left-handed?

Not that I watch Arrow, but I think Eobard Thawne's Harrison Wells would like a word with you.

She went from put-upon to derisive to evil with startling fluidity.

You and me, both, Mr. President.

There was a recent article about him over at the Vulture site - apparently, he's still touring, but is looking really bad health-wise and his act is extremely scattered and lacking energy. There's rumours that he's losing his mental agility, but whoever is watching over him is pushing him to continue touring in

The Adventures Brisco County, Jr./X-Files on Fox - before your time, I'm sure, but for one glorious season …