
Back in the Bay Area, I met Keith Knight of The K Chronicles once and we ended up going on a platonic date in the Lower Mission, looking for pinball (found it), fish tacos (the SoCal battered kind, so no) and Hamburger Mary's (which was legendary but had already closed for good). After that, whether it was APE or

One year, perhaps for my birthday, my mother asked what I wanted for a present. I'd heard about a 12" purple vinyl record of "Purple Rain" with "God" as the B-side. I asked for that. Silly me.

No one's said The Incredibles yet?

It's not too late.

Preach. By the time I heard Bowie, it was the Modern Love era and he was considered safe - it was going back to his earlier stuff that I learned what an outlaw he was. Prince was far more dangerous in the 80s.

I don’t know that Prince’s mix of deep Christianity and libertine pleasure-seeking ever made sense to anyone besides himself

Very true, Search is nigh well worthless. However, the tags at the end of various articles work better - the results are a touch cluttered, but at least the review is on the first page, below a couple of WOT and this episode review.

WGN America.

There's always intensity, tension, betrayal, secrets kept and revealed. When the adults are the focus, the music gets ramped up (contemporary pop and hip-hop has been used in episodes) and there are sexual situations, consensual and not.




It's okay. You be you.


I am lost.

I thought you were joking.

Yeah, the one with Ricky Jay. The Amazing Maleeni!

I'd vote for "Home" as perhaps the freakiest episode, but for me, "F. Emasculata" is the grossest - pulsating pustules on people's faces that violently burst as part of a fatal infection? Eww-ewww-ewww.

Emily L. Stephens is more than ready to invest in Ross: The Musical.